

You are encouraged to share your unique gifts, skills, and passions or other form of self-expression as the event takes place. The Intention Alberta tribe extends gratitude in advance for the love-centered service you offer the community.


What does that mean?

Co-creation is a unique and simple way for all attendees to participate in the magic that makes a community gathering. Co-creation is an understanding that each of us has something powerful to contribute and an acknowledgement that everything in life is sweeter when we do it together. Many hands make light work and it takes all of us to make Intention what it is.  In order to keep ticket costs to a minimal for attendees, as well as to contribute to the community centered vibe of the gathering, each ticket holder will be asked to contribute 4 hours of co-creation throughout the 5 day event. If you are a parent to a child 11 years old or under, we require that you spend 2 of your co-creation hours in Co-parenting pod.

Still not sure what we’re talking about? Don’t worry; we’ve got co-creator wizards on-site to meet you upon arrival at Welcome. Co-creation can include dish fairies, contributing to leave no trace, hosting a workshop, performing as a DJ, helping with co-parenting pod, holding space in vibe pod, passion show performers (or host!), kitchen help, fire keepers, set-up and take down.

Please do what makes you feel good. That’s how it works! Intention Alberta has had 13 years of success because those who attend have pitched in and given service to the tribe. Lets make year 14 better than EVER!!

Beyond Co-creation

If you wish to volunteer in a compensated role we have those options too! Volunteers will be required to contribute a total of 10 hours in exchange for a half compensated ticket. In order to be eligible for volunteer hours, you must have purchased a ticket at full-price prior to submitting an application. When you have purchased your ticket, you will be sent a link in your payment confirmation email to the volunteer application. Spots are limited so don’t wait!

If you would like to get involved in the planning process or otherwise be more involved (we are always looking for more core people) then please attend a planning meeting or contact us by sending in a volunteer application.